By Anonymous - 08/02/2010 18:24 - United States

Today, while on my way to the break room, it seemed as if everyone was staring at me and giving me odd looks. I asked my friend, "Did I get prettier overnight or something?" She answered, "No, your shirt is just see-through." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 552
You deserved it 30 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserve it for not CHECKING YOUR OUTFIT BEFORE YOU LEFT. And to assume you got prettier? If that wasn't a joke you deserve more than what you got.


Yes you can tell. There are shirts you can wear nude colored bras under and they still show through perfectly, even in dressing room lights. It's pretty obvious if you take the time to glance for half a second at the shirt you're buying. I personally check to make sure I can wear something in public without looking like a tramp before even buying it, and work attire takes even more discrimination. Doesn't mean she's working with perverts at all (they were probably mocking her, not ogling her), just that she doesn't put any effort into looking remotely professional.

purplemnm 9

ydi for being a ****. and btw this is from Bridget jones diary

Now that's what I call a TRUE friend, one that let's you walk around showing your goods to everyone!

mc1900 4

nice- bringing joy to the world. how see through was it?

Hey, this is my FML. I was wearing a white shirt with a white bra. At home it looked totally fine, but under the florescent lights at school it was see-through.

Also, I was wearing a white shirt with a white bra. At home it looked totally fine, but under the florescent lights at school it was see-through.

hotscar 3

so. how hot are you? pics please

UKfan97 0

haha woww maybe tha guys would like it butt i mean thats just gross no girls wana c that.....but why were they looking n tha first place?? i mean forreall?

I hope you aren't attached to a rising career in that organization. No excuse for not checking that out thoroughly before you leave the house.

kira822_fml 0

It's called a mirror. Get one.