By Whyudodis - 01/10/2016 07:18 - Canada - New Westminster

Today, while on the skytrain, a woman leaned on the railing bar that I was holding onto, crushing my hand. My first instinct was to move my hand when she turned around and began loudly yelling at me for, "Touching her waist" and "Sexually harassing" her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 689
You deserved it 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"No, you stupid bitch, your waist crushed my hand. Watch where you're leaning."

That's so sad you were accused of waist-touching. It's so limiting. Had you grabbed her pussy, you could be on the road to great wealth, power, fame and adoration.


"Oww ahh you're crushing my hand you inconsiderate ignorant!" Should be your first reaction

That is crappy, for both of you. Lots of women are used to getting groped in public and lots stay quiet fearing that either the person touching them will react violently or that they will be ignored. Speaking out takes guts, in some women's minds making a fool of themselves by shouting is preferable to letting someone else get away with it. Obviously you can challenge someone without yelling at them though.

Did you yell at her that she was crushing your hand and you were just trying to move it?

TacoTheDank 27

"HughMungus wot? Are you sexually harassing me!?"

TacoTheDank 27

This reminded me of the Hugh Mungus video.

TacoTheDank 27

Sorry, OP. I really would not want that to happen to anyone, especially with the other people around reacting negatively to a false claim.

PulsarRiley0122 17

This is why people equal shit sometimes

And I would bet she was overweight at best and more than likely obese being as she was crushing your hand. In which case don't take it personally, she is just overcompensating for a sad sad life