By Whyudodis - 01/10/2016 07:18 - Canada - New Westminster

Today, while on the skytrain, a woman leaned on the railing bar that I was holding onto, crushing my hand. My first instinct was to move my hand when she turned around and began loudly yelling at me for, "Touching her waist" and "Sexually harassing" her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 689
You deserved it 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"No, you stupid bitch, your waist crushed my hand. Watch where you're leaning."

That's so sad you were accused of waist-touching. It's so limiting. Had you grabbed her pussy, you could be on the road to great wealth, power, fame and adoration.


Ugh SJW's at their finest... Be careful she doesn't start screaming about her pronouns next.

This is why legitimate victims of sexual assault are afraid to share their stories. Hopefully you were able to explain everything.

da_epic_failman 7

Kind of like When you tell people gay marriage is wrong, and they call you a hater.