By Anonymous - 29/03/2013 17:13 - United States - Lakeland

Today, while on the way to Florida for spring break, I pointed out to my mom a bright blue car in the rear-view mirror. As the car overtook us, we both got a horrifyingly detailed view of the driver jerking off her passenger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 864
You deserved it 5 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Im so sorry you all had to see that. I will buy her some tinted windows.


perdix 29

Oooh, I love a girl who can handle a stick! She can pop my clutch anytime ;)

So would a flesh-light be like cvt or something?

Wizardo 33

The Jizzmobile rides again! Jizzing into the sunset...

klovemachine 24
perdix 29

#29, you may want to visit a urologist.

Thats just gross. No way in hell yould I ever want to see that!

could have been worse: at least it wasnt a german shepard... was it?

perdix 29

#35, sometimes it's not the right time for a *lowers sunglasses* previous FML reference.

Only problem here is the wrong person was driving.

did anyone else think of the song mercy? lol

UnluckyGenius 21

She must of confused the passengers crank for the stick shift.

that happened to me and my gf once....I'm jk lol

Just kidding he doesn't exist. It has all been an elaborate rouse!

I thought we weren't supposed to use texting language? Or does everyone else think that rule makes no sense?

Were you in standstill traffic too?? I also came to Florida for spring break and saw many things in traffic that I can never unsee. I feel you, OP.