By Anonymous - 29/03/2013 17:13 - United States - Lakeland

Today, while on the way to Florida for spring break, I pointed out to my mom a bright blue car in the rear-view mirror. As the car overtook us, we both got a horrifyingly detailed view of the driver jerking off her passenger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 864
You deserved it 5 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Im so sorry you all had to see that. I will buy her some tinted windows.


simplysarcastics 26

Wow... Was it that serious she needed to "assist her passenger while driving on the highway.. I guess we need more traffic laws in place.

Damn that sounds like fun. I've gotten road head but I've always been the driver. that's a badass gf

I hope that the driver of a vehicle that I'm in never gives roadhead the same time their driving.

Lmfao, atleast we know someones not shy && also verrrry outgoing?! Lol

adam_night 9

Hey! Why is it okay to drive and jerk someone off, but not drive and talk on the phone? No fair.

Probably finished off with a bang.. Literally.

Jeez OP, you posted that like it's a bad thing. Live a little...I've done it to my gotta mix things up or else life gets boring.

I agree completely, you have to keep things interesting.

audreyfml1994 15

Now that's some talent right there.