By Anonymous - 13/04/2016 14:04 - United States - Bel Air

Today, while opening up to a few friends about how I was sexually abused as a child, one of them blurted "Pics or it didn't happen." How did the others react? With outrage? No, just with awkward chuckling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 209
You deserved it 2 097

Same thing different taste


who the **** takes pictures of themselves molesting a child? do they even have a brain? "pics or it didnt happen"... wtf . i feel for you OP

How the hell are people voting this as "you deserve it"? No one deserves any of that by ANY means, I'm sorry OP.

Because OP didn't say whether or not anyone asked or even wanted to know. If you volunteer personal information like that unwarranted, you kind oof don't get to whine if people don't react the way you want. Hence why OP "Deserved it"...and before you cry that idk what it's like for OP, I do.

diyos 15

If you can't laugh at the past, how are you going to get over it?

BloodyGlass 10

Turn to look at the person slowly and say in a low voice, "What did you just say?" Anyone who gives a shit will be very uncomfortable, if they laugh or say, "It was a joke!" I would not blame you if you punched them in the face.

People use humor to get their mind around horrible situations. It may not have been what you wanted to hear right then but all these people saying drop those friends are way out of line without more detail

aShrubbery 3

I'm sorry you've got such shitty friends.

How old are you to have such shitty friends? Are they five? geez

I hope you never have to deal with those **** wits again. Leave them in the dust and never look back.

That is a true breach of friendship. You did not deserve it. However, you do realize how difficult that conversation is. They were probably too immature to deal and flaked instead of listening and empathizing. Keep them or toss them but now you know whom to go to about the serious things in life.

This might be hard to hear, but I've been out about my sexual abusive past for awhile. I find that humor helps them cope better because it's such a tragic thing to hear. I've had more than a few shrug me off and call me a liar, others thought I was joking and took offense that I would joke about that, then some just remained quiet. Eventually, I kind of learned to poke fun at it and people started to lighten up enough to talk to me about it. So, I don't think they are necessarily being dicks, sadly, it's a common reaction. Keep your head up and try to let it go, understand that not everyone will take the news great. They WILL get awkward about it, but I promise you, it won't always be like that with everyone. Just have to learn how to tell the news in a different way is all. I know it's stupid, you're the one who suffered the trauma, but it's a lot to take in when you learn your friend (possibly friend of many many years) was a victim of something so dark. This is just what I found throughout my years of communicating what happened to me and educating those about sexual abuse.