By Anonymous - 30/12/2010 21:37 - United Kingdom

Today, while putting a drip in the back of an elderly patient's hand, he commented that he didn't realise doctors had pierced nipples, but not to worry because he's only in the hospital "for the b*tches". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 517
You deserved it 5 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sourgirl101 28

Do doctors have pierced nipples? We'll only know if you are indeed a "doctor". You can't control what comes out of people's mouth but you can control them from being able to see your nipples. So.... YDI

That's not what this FML is about at all


what a pimp haha...did he ask for viagra too? lol

GuitarNukka520 5

the drip consisted of a steady stream of Viagra.

To quote a complete moron's catch phrase: That's hot. (the pierced nipple, not the exposing yourself to the elderly)

supahnazi 0

shes an old guy loooove docta

yummycupcakegirl 0

Then you can go pick up a cute dr. ;)

GuitarNukka520 5
RedPillSucks 31

DocBastard, You gotta stop seeing patients while wearing those piercings. The children are scared and mechanics want to hook up their battery cables.

masta1080 5
percawesome 0

That's right. Some countries have eliminated the need for the letter Z. Quiver in fearrr

dudeitsdanny 9

I thought I replied to this last night saying "That's right, them silly Brits spell things differently just to confuse you =O" I like yours better.

let me guess.... your nipples arent really peirced. Are they? it's just your deformed nipples. i had a girlfreind with messed up was gross. so if thats the case..fyl. if not, you deserve it OP

you just admitted to looking at your friends nipples

hotair10 9

hey moron, learn to read. he mis-spelled "girlfriend", but he did say it

That sucks, alot. I hate when old guys are creepy pervs :( Btw what does YDI mean?

knibbsy 4

Don't listen to ^ . YDI means "Yes! Doorstep Inseminator-man!" He gets everyone excited like Santa Claus' yearly visit, but he comes more than once a year.

Trust me, Tom knows. The doorstep inseminator man frequents his residence for a night filled with joy and pleasure ;)