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By juliasaman - 03/10/2009 23:17 - United States

Today, I went to the doctors and was told I would need an inhaler. My mom came back from the pharmacy and told me the copay of $35 dollars was way too expensive, so she is making me use my cat's old inhaler. My mom values my cat's ability to breathe more then my own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 809
You deserved it 2 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First! And geez. Some of these FMLs border on child abuse.

tyop_fml 0

Dude... I just google imaged cat inhalers... your life really is F'd.


First! And geez. Some of these FMLs border on child abuse.

fringle 0

$35 dollars? fyl for having to pay thirty five dollars dollars :(. I hear it's much more expensive than regular dollars. 

Reyo 2

I have a Mom who's like that to. One time I had this horrible headcold (that was contageous btw) and she still yelled at me for wanting to skip out on a week of karate practice practice, which would've been 3 lessons. She even had the nerve of laying a guilt trip on me for "wasting her money". It's $60 a month. She'd much rathor sacrifice my well being for $15. I feel ya.

Wow, FYL. Having to use a cat inhaler because she couldn't afford one. That's actually just sad... Feel bad for ya', OP.

M13LO 0

you have to admit... pussy will always win

and ur moms the dick... get it? get it? no? no. that's cool...

tyop_fml 0

Dude... I just google imaged cat inhalers... your life really is F'd.

TurdMonkey 0

there's inhalers made for cats?? LOL

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So sorry they forgot the e your majesty. I will personally beat them while they watch sesame street brought to you by the letter e!

Darling_Cherry 5

If you're going to hate on someone's grammar, you may want to start with your own. Example: cats vs. cat's; one is plural, the other is possessive.

The "then"/"than" thing irks me. They're not really even pronounced the same!

sheheartsthings 0

Yeah, I'd value the cat more, too.

delfinofrank 0

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allihall127 0

Don't be ignorant. Until a person is 18 years old, his or her parents are responsible to pay for anything to do with their health and wellness. You don't hear about kids paying for their own doctor's appointments do you? It's not free handouts in this situation, it's called taking care of your kids.

magicsparrow 0

So what if the parents are 'responsible'? Clearly the mother is not being responsible in this case. OP: Go get a job if you want a non-cat inhaler. Additionally, I hope your mother realizes she will have to pay for refills. If not, all the more reason for you to get a job.

10 - really? What if OP is too young to work? Sounds like someone should be reported for child abuse.

Maby in ur country 8 year olds work but in the developed world that's illigal

And what if OP had an asthma attack while working? OP needs their inhaler before they can know, as a safety precaution....