By no boobies - 29/05/2013 16:39 - United States

Today, while shopping for dresses, I found a really cute one that fit me really well, but not at all in the breast area. My grandma screamed "buy her some titties!" Everyone in the store looked at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 750
You deserved it 4 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate when you find the perfect dress and then boom. Society expects you to have boobs!


Damn. Your grandmother's just as bad as some boys that make you self conscience about your size. Get a great push up bra and rock that dress. That's what I do. (:

BubbleGrunge 18

Boobies are boobies no matter the size, OP! Embrace them (or let someone else do that for you!)

I've said it. before and I'll say it again. Small boobies can also be good boobies.

I think all of the dysfunctional Grandparents mentioned on the website are somehow working together. Their covert organization is called, "The League Of Trolling Elders".

therealafroninga 10

I'm very familiar with the LOTE.

I am familiar with them too. Like the old lady who grabbed my hindquarters at the store when she was reaching for a can of carrots. They are everywhere!

Least yours aren't nearly dragging across the floor

PulseShock 9

Gotta love grandmas. Sorry OP at least you'll probably never seen anyone in there again!

Don't beat yourself up too bad. Small boobs kick ass... Find a different dress and rock those little boobies!!!

I have the exact opposite problem. At least you can add boobs if needed. You can't take them away whenever you want.

That sounds like a good problem to have lol

Breast reduction surgery might be worth it for you. :)

You're boobs may be too big for ya but you have a fantastic smile!