By Anonymous - 27/09/2015 07:10 - United States - Queens Village

Today, while singing Happy Birthday to my husband, I desperately needed to fart. I couldn't leave the room, so I let it out real slow. There were over 20 of us there, yet somehow my mother-in-law knew it was me. She went over to the window and opened it wide, all while glaring at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 130
You deserved it 4 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have a feeling even if you didn't do it, she'd still blame you.

Something tells me she doesn't like you very much .


Denise1988 13

But that's how you you get shitty thoughts

wordygirl 11

Nothing better than cake and ice cream with the smell of dooky in the air. A celebration nobody will forget!

I laughed at your comment harder than I should have #13!

You should have proudly farted to the tune of Happy Birthday.

^ This! If you can fart out the tune to Happy Birthday you will forever win the respect of your hubby and every other man that hears about it.

she must work at a fart factory where she knows everyone by fart smell

I feel bad for you , but this is just hilarious

Just tell her your ass was trying to help your husband blow out the candles

Next time fart in her general direction. That'll teach her!

Xandrick 22

Well, she IS the mother-in-law. And you ARE her darling son's wife. By default you'd constantly be her arch-nemesis.