By Anonymous - 27/09/2015 07:10 - United States - Queens Village

Today, while singing Happy Birthday to my husband, I desperately needed to fart. I couldn't leave the room, so I let it out real slow. There were over 20 of us there, yet somehow my mother-in-law knew it was me. She went over to the window and opened it wide, all while glaring at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 130
You deserved it 4 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have a feeling even if you didn't do it, she'd still blame you.

Something tells me she doesn't like you very much .


Never admit to something no one can prove lol

Mothers or mother in laws have a sixth sense that can't be explained. They just know things OP.

One another reason mother in laws are awesomely rude

Opening the window I can see, but glaring? Get over it lady, we all fart..

Um what's that old saying, who ever smelt it dealt it?

If you were watching her for a reaction, you may have looked guilty. Everybody else in the room was busy, not making eye contact with her.

You should have farted out the candles :)

So whisper to the mother-in-law, second choice amo could send you to jail.