By weirdedout - 24/05/2010 15:14 - United States

Today, while sitting at a red light, my mother asked, "Do you have any intimacy questions?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 662
You deserved it 5 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

randomdude1234 0

Mom? do you ever feel not so fresh... you know.... down there.


metalmaiden 0
metalmaiden 0

fm i pod. ask her extremely awkward questions. at least it will be entertaining :D

your lucky your mom cares. open up and ask questions instead of getting pregnant or using your teeth where you shouldnt.

Hellooomindyy 0

If you cant discuss the matter maturely your not ready for sex anyways.

ydi regardless of the scenario, having a mother that shows interest is better than having no mother at all. if you're ashamed, that's your biz. stop being a prude and get over it!

Haha, awwwkward! But at least she's being nice. Most moms wouldn't be that open. It's not really a FML, but it depends on how weird she usually is or what you usually talk about, I guess.

Your mom plucking up the courage to pose the question is a lot better than the subject being off-limits!