By smiley1014 - 18/11/2013 09:14 - United States

Today, while swimming in the ocean, I felt some sand under my wedding ring. I took it off for a second, and got hit by a huge wave. My ring is now lost somewhere in the ocean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 654
You deserved it 43 317

smiley1014 tells us more.

smiley1014 23

I guess I didn't put on the FML that I am a male. My wife told me that she wants me to wear my ring (except during work, which is Aviation and we're not allowed). I told her I wasn't comfortable wearing it in the ocean, and she said I had to anyway. After losing my ring, my wife bought snorkel equipment and I spent an hour diving for it until the sun set. My wife and I have been married for 5 years, and we both got a laugh out of it, and we purchased another ring the next day in a Hawaiian market that now has a story and more meaning than the first ring.

Top comments

XDsmileyDX_fml 24

Where did taking your ring off in the ocean sound like a good idea?

Why does your wife get to decide what you should do if you don't feel comfortable with it? I'm glad everything worked out though.


Sorry to hear that OP! I hope you had the ring appraised or something. I do have a roommate story on this one. Back in college, one of my three roommates had bought a promise ring for this girl he liked. He kind of went overboard on it, and spent a good $2,000 on the ring. Well, we had a party one night and he decided to start showing everyone the ring. Well as after he gets done showing the ring off, he placed it on the kitchen counter on top of a rag. His dog proceeds to shit on my carpet, and as we're drunk and frantically searching for something to clean it with, my roommate grabs a rag, picks up the shit, and proceeds to throw it in the dumpster outside. Guess which rag he grabbed...

Yes, though the waves were coming on a bit strong

StarThrower 17

That was the perfect comment to read right after 13's XD

When it comes to dumb ideas, YDI but having to explain this to your wife, FYL.

luckyone365 7

You deserve ot for wearing your ******* wedding ring in the ocean? Are you a Kardashian? You have the logic of one.

Shrocko 5

Wait until the tide goes out, then metal detect the beach? Thats all I could offer to do. Fyl

Too bad, should have just twisted it around...

perdix 29

Well, now you are Poseidon's wife! Or Neptune's, if you like Italian guys more than Greeks.

perdix 29

#55, so did Zeus, so what's your point? The gods had no problems diddling mortals.

True, but they usually don't have more than one spouse. They just cheat on the one they have.

perdix 29

#49, well, that's a moot point now. We just learned the OP is male, so he only has the Greek option.

Neptune is the ROMAN SEA GOD, not the Italian sea god.

You didnt think of taking it off before you went in?