By regretsteachinghighschool - 05/11/2013 13:22 - United States - Rochester

Today, while teaching juniors about black holes, I said, "Imagine everything being sucked into a black hole." An African-American student shouted, "I'd better start clenching!" Nobody took the lesson seriously after that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 526
You deserved it 5 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks but I've got to admit it's kind of funny

Humor in a lesson is essential. Some of my best classes involved my professors cracking jokes.


I know some one like that and he's even African-American.

unicornluver3173 13

Epic! The lessons where they laugh are the lessons they'll remember

That kid deserves a prize. That's ******* hilarious.