By regretsteachinghighschool - 05/11/2013 13:22 - United States - Rochester

Today, while teaching juniors about black holes, I said, "Imagine everything being sucked into a black hole." An African-American student shouted, "I'd better start clenching!" Nobody took the lesson seriously after that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 526
You deserved it 5 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks but I've got to admit it's kind of funny

Humor in a lesson is essential. Some of my best classes involved my professors cracking jokes.


Students can be immature, but the funny classes tend to be the ones that they remember best. I understand that them not taking it seriously is frustrating but if you add a bit of humour they're more likely to enjoy lessons. They could also do with a reminder that them not paying attention will affect their grade!

that sucks..can't imagine the picture of class full of students laughing at it.

No comment okay that's funny bahahahah I'm immature lol

NatalieOntheTram 11

Just call him black! African-American isn't correct anyways, unless he came straight from an African country.

That kid is a legend suck to be you though!

tehdarkness 21

That's hilarious, but it's a perfect demonstration of how kids grow up way too fast today, and how dirty humor is almost too mainstream.