By speshlk37 - 20/08/2012 02:19 - United States

Today, while traveling with my cat, I had a mini-freakout when I realized that I left his favorite toy in the hotel room. I'm a 30-year-old man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 225
You deserved it 9 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bless! Nothing wrong with loving your pussy!!

expertsmilee 26


perdix 29

Damn right you should freak out, you lose that toy and your cat will be mad at you. I'm guessing that's the closest to pussy you are ever going to get.

Psych101 9

I don't know about that, loyalty to a pussy is an admirable and attractive trait. And OP certainly has it.

perdix 29

#15, maybe so, but having "mini-freakouts" is not.

CountMango 5

Haha oh wow you're a douchebag.

#26, perdix, understandable, if not attractive. Travelling with a cat long enough to need a hotel (like if moving) is pure hell. OP likely is expecting shredded skin when he opens the crate.

weasel123 9

At least you take good care of your cat! That's a somewhat admirable trait to have, I suppose.

You're worried about the cat's toy? You're thirty man! Be spontaneous and go on a road trip with your bros instead of your... Cat?

zuzupetalsYO 11

14-Maybe he is moving. That's pretty much the ONLY reason you would take a road trip with a cat.

Hmm true. I recall my previous statement, apologies to everyone. xD But still since he's moving, why not have some friends come over and help? But road trip on a move? Still sounds like vacation to me :(

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Maybe he's visiting family a ways away and didn't want to/couldn't leave his kitty behind?

zuzupetalsYO 11

22-He is most likely moving miles away. We drove to Texas from Oregon with two cats and a dog, two adults and a teenager. Then back two months later because Texas SUCKS.

I hate doing that!!! ohh and 30 and single and likes cats ;) hit me up haha

perdix 29

Although you may have been born with male genitalia, the term "man" might not really apply to you.

AnyaS 19

Just 30 comments and you've managed to insult OP four times. Pray tell, why is caring for a pet such an undesirable trait? And why the sexism?

perdix 29

Your count is off. One time I was insulting a commenter. Caring for a pet doesn't include freaking out in such non-life-threatening situations. Pets get stressed when their owners freak out. The OP's meltdown probably cost his cat one of his lives. I don't see where you get sexism from.

AnyaS 19

Then three times. Comment still stands. "I don't see where you get sexism from." Seriously? OP said mini-freakout. Hardly a meltdown.

perdix 29

#38, yeah, seriously. When I said the OP was not a man, it must be you that inferred that I was suggesting he was a woman. I implied no such thing, and it was your bias that led you astray. I'm sure women would be equally embarrassed to have this panicky fool in their numbers. Mini-freakout and meltdown are imprecise terms, so you are in no position to draw a distinction.

blacksswan 10

Perdix you are no longer my favorite FML commenter. /kicks him off of her list.. gently.

Something perdix said struck me as interesting. He inferred that 31 inferred that not being a man makes one then a woman. But reading into it, wasn't the remark just that the guy didn't live up to the social construct of what constitutes as being a man?

thaleelee 6

Just saying that's kinda sad. I feel bad for the poor cat XD.

That's adorable but very, very tragic. Completely understand where you're coming from though, I forgot my cats "kitten" ( a beanie baby cat that he's had since he was like 6months old) when taking him to the cattery one day, he started crying/wailing in the car which he hadn't done previously so as soon as i'd dropped him off I went home and brought him his kitten and he was so much happier with it. No wailing in the car ride home after the holidays. Easier to love a cat than most of the ass-hat population of the planet :)

Mademoiselle_fml 34

Aww, that's adorable! And I completely agree with your last statement >.>

Your last statement is so true. Reading these comments furthers my opinions on that. I love my kitties, I'd rather not deal with human drama.

blacksswan 10

SterotypicalI people; I am pretty sure if the cat was replaced with dog in this fMl there would be loads of awwe! You are so caring, or that dog is lucky to you have you. Seriously can't someone love their cat as much as a dog without having remarks thrown in their face such as "cat lady!" "forever alone!" "you need a significant other" etc. This guy clearly loves his pussy! Leave him alone >|

I completely agree. I don't understand the negative feelings towards cats. Perhaps it's due to the stereotype that dogs are for boys and cats are for girls? This is a guy with a cat, but if he were a girl or he had a dog would the comments be more favorable?

blacksswan 10

Any girl who has a guy that loves cats is lucky. I hope I get lucky one day and meet a guy who loves cats :D my life will be complete ahha! I love dogs to but as for pets I like to keep a cat. They make a wonderful friend :) just like dogs do. I am pretty sure if this was a female freaking out about leaving her dogs favorite toy at home she would still get the awws! Because it's a dog. But if it was a female with a cat she would get called stuff like forever alone , crazy cat lady etc.