By wolfie898 - 21/05/2011 07:28 - United States
Wolfie898 tells us more.
my mom is actually divorced
Top comments
you can go with her.
Threaten her that youl tell everyone unless she agrees to double your allowance and let you out every weekend.
I can't believe people are turning this into a big discussion about this chicks mom. Its supposed to be funny and y'all turn it into a discussion.
Did anyone else think OP snuck out, went to the party, and met his/her Mom while sneaking back in to the house? That's how I interpreted it. FYL OP, if that's true. If what everyone else is saying is what happened, you have blackmail on her.
Awkward. Sneak better next time noob!
Lol! Blackmail her and go out to the party anyways!!
What was she doing out!?
I guess asking to borrow the car was now a possibilty?
More like **** your father's life for having a unloyal wife.