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By anonymous - 21/05/2011 07:20 - United States

Today, I had to take care of my best friend while she was drunk. This meant changing her pee-soaked sheets, making her take a bath to get all the baby powder off, and making her put clothes on as she tried to run out the house naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 338
You deserved it 4 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sportskid521 0

that has to suck but she was NAKED


sportskid521 0

that has to suck but she was NAKED

I bet that pissed you off. It never pays to be the sober one...

juicedboi 7

Pics or it didn't happen. Sounds like the Hangover 3 has started filming.

10 - he looks like he's about 13 years old, hence his immature response.

juicedboi 7

Are drunk people supposed to have baths?

killface93 0
Droopy13 0

Don't worry OP! Your kindness will repay you sometime! (:

I believe he is around ten. The biggest clue was the immature comment.

yeah, not that the pic didn't give it away:)

BAMF519 0

haha ur cute... but not in a weird way like in a young kid way

I wonder, was you with her when she started to get drunk? If so, it was your task of good best friend to try to keep her as sober as possible. Your best friend sounds totally wasted, it should not went this far.

I don't even know where to begin with the gramatical errors in your comment...

Feel free to correct. It's been two years since high school, and there I only got English for over four years. You can't expect me to write like a native speaker, can you?

forgettingsunday 0

your grammar is burning my eyes

Belgisch! Spreek je Nederlands of parles-tu Néerlandais? Excuse the rude Americans :)

this is why I hate FML users!!! chill the **** out with correcting people on grammar errors. what are you a ******* kindergarten teacher!?

People just want to seem smarter or cooler then their fellow FML'ers.

alexjean 0

Oh the Grammar Nazis totally unaware that not all people speak, read, write or speak english. If you were true Nazis you'd spreacken ze German

I, personally, enjoy seeing Djeepee on FML. Most of the time, she contributes logical insight regardless of her occasional grammar fails. and she has humour sense.

Different people have different limits for alcohol, and op never said they were with their friend the whole time or even went out with them. It's op's friend who is responsible for how much she drinks, not op's

Yeah that sucks, but you should've made her sleep somehow and kept doing whatever you were doing before. Kudos for being a good friend.

FreebirdIII 1

partying, partying, YEAH! Was she 13 or something??

fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun... looking forward to the we-ekend. okay, maybe I went a little crazy there...

bengermin 5

Baby powder? If she's got that on, why not go ahead and just put her in some diapers? haha.

Because it would make OP feel like a child molester.

This is what I was wondering... why baby powder? Is that a normal thing for a drunk person to have on?

zuzupetalsYO 11

baby powder? maybe she already was wearing a diaper lol

4wow4 0

Bahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My thoughts exactly •~*

YDI for being friends with people like that.

Droopy13 0

OP was just trying to be a good friend. I think.

a_nutritionist 10

you didnt HAVE TO do anything? you should have let her do her thing and regret it the next day. its the only way shes gonna learn her lesson, and at the same time you dont have to deal with someone whos incapable of taking responsibility for themselves.

okay... I understand where you're going with this, but i heard if one leaves someone drunk unattended, they might pas out, choke on their vomit, and die

a_nutritionist 10

indeed...and how often do you think this happens? besides which, uh, where did i say leave them unattended? i believe my words were akin to let them act like a dickbag and have a laugh at their expense.

kiaralove53 0

That's what friends do? You're a good friend OP: maybe she will be the one doing all that for you too.