By fviz - 07/02/2013 09:51 - United States

Today, while using a public restroom to change my tampon, I made eye contact with someone looking at me through the little space in the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 175
You deserved it 2 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Throw your old tampon at them, they'll never look again! Unless they're into that kind of thing...


If the space was big enough, I would've quickly jabbed the tampon into her eye.

Whenever I catch someone making awkward eye contact, I look them right in the eye and say "CAN I HELP YOU?" Then the awkwardness is on them. Every time.

Unless they say, "I sure hope so. Are you a doctor?" Then the awkwardness ball is back in your awkward court, Doc.

then you reply, yes, yes I am! then it is back to them to think of a problem!

That's one of the reasons why I hate going to public restrooms. Creepers..

wlddog 14

Because people watch you change your tampons? Is that a constant problem for you, or only in public bathrooms?

RedPillSucks 31

Because at home he can change tampons and only be concerned about the watchful eye of his mom and the dog.

wlddog 14

Well excuse me for being a dog. We get bored easily. Its not like you let use chew the couch up anymore. And we know whats going on in the house before anyone else does. Our nose works like a thousand times better then yours, and our hearing is way better. Course, we do type online slower, but thems the breaks.

This would have been funnier if it said fviz (man).

skyeyez9 24

Come to think of it, I realized that in most public restrooms, its common to to see some of the door locks are missing. Do people actually go inside there with an electric screwdriver and steal them?

Yeah, sorry about that, OP. Please pardon me, but I was just going to ask if you had any Grey Poupon?

RedPillSucks 31

*jar is filled with used tampons*

LightsxOut 10

Come on, you're just ovary acting.

cass1_l0ve 13

Bloody hell! I see what you did there ^.^

Your profile pic is so perfect for this FML.

wlddog 14

You have just made me question my "I Love Noor" card. I never thought this day would come. Feels like a part of me just died a little bit. The mental image is just too disturbing.

Well that's creepy. :s at least they didn't try to get in...

thatpeachyperson 12

Maybe this happened to Giovanna Plowman too many times.