By fviz - 07/02/2013 09:51 - United States

Today, while using a public restroom to change my tampon, I made eye contact with someone looking at me through the little space in the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 175
You deserved it 2 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Throw your old tampon at them, they'll never look again! Unless they're into that kind of thing...


cass1_l0ve 13

That's when you hold eye contact, pull it out, and pretend to eat your tampon. Freak her out!

How does one pretend to eat a tampon? Either you eat it or you don't.

wlddog 14
tricialynn86 3

This may sound gross but I would have shoved my tampon in their eye

wlddog 14
stevo918 3

Why I hate public bathrooms have had people peep in on me before

At least they didn't check out your profile on FML. Creepers!

If you don't want people looking at your profile, don't have one. The whole idea of a profile is to meet new people and you can't do that without clicking on a pic. Not everyone is a creeper.

It was sarcasm. Read some of the profiles.

This is just plain crazy. What is wrong with people

Ultradmac 9

A little strange, and a little off target.

Another reason why I hate public bathrooms, afraid to see through that little space between the doors.

Reminds me of boot camp. At boot camp, the bathroom stalls don't have doors at all. And in the military, you have to give urine samples for drug testing, and when you do, someone has to watch the urine leave your urethra.