By BenFiggy - 21/04/2016 13:28 - United States - Brick

Today, while waiting in line with my 4-year-old son, I had to awkwardly apologize to an African-American gentleman and explain to my son that the man was not made out of chocolate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 749
You deserved it 2 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean, your son is 4. Has he been so sheltered that he has never seen an African American or is it just rare or something? But hopefully the guy didn't think too much of it since your son is little.

imcornelious 15

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.


When I was really young I referred to black people as "chocolate milk people".

My son said something similar a few years back about my best friend...she loved it and still requests to be called Auntie Chockie.

That's adorable and hilarious, though a bit embarrassing. In "Scrubs" J.D. actually calls Turk "Chocolate Bear" and Turk calls him "Vanilla Bear", which is adorable so it can even be used as a term of endearment.

dannidoll93 24

I asked my mother if she was refusing to sit next to a man on the bus because he was black when I was about that age. Turns out that she was only taking us 2 stops and that was why we hadn't bothered to sit down on the busy bus. I cringe when I think about it now.

catanita 18

I think at this age you should have told him already about the human races, especially because in US the African American population is rather large. The first time my son saw a black person i explained to him all about it. What your kid said is funny and if that person got upset means that he has no sense of humor. Kids are kids and sometimes they say the wildest and unexpected things.

modenegg 5

When I was four, there was a black kid next door named Deryl, and his Dad had the same name. When my parents took me to see fireworks downtown for the first time, I saw a lot of black people together for the first time. I kept saying, "look! There's a Deryl! Look! There's another Deryl! Oh my gosh there are Deryls everywhere!" Apparently I thought all black people were named Deryl. Yes, I had seen other black people, but I didn't know their names. Its not like you learn everyone's name that you pass by, and my parents didn't really have friends over when I was around.

When they explained the situation to the confused people around us they got a kick out of it and introduced themselves so I wouldn't think they were all named Deryl anymore. X'D

Better than when I was younger. My older brother taught me a few racist words and described footballers and wrestlers with them, I hadn't seen a black person until I was about 4 or 5 (not many where I live) and I pointed them out saying "look, it's a ...!". Both my mum and brother had to silence me before I said it too loud, and mum couldn't work out where I had learned the word from. I wish I had been told the man was made of chocolate instead.

Some asshole told my nephew that the n-word meant that someone likes boys and so he loudly proclaimed that he was a ___ because he loved his best friend. It was a hot mess at that school.

This is ******* amazing! Best FML I've read in a while!