By BenFiggy - 21/04/2016 13:28 - United States - Brick

Today, while waiting in line with my 4-year-old son, I had to awkwardly apologize to an African-American gentleman and explain to my son that the man was not made out of chocolate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 749
You deserved it 2 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean, your son is 4. Has he been so sheltered that he has never seen an African American or is it just rare or something? But hopefully the guy didn't think too much of it since your son is little.

imcornelious 15

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.


Lmfao I had similar on a bus once. there arnt many black or mixed race people where I live. we were sat in the bus and my son spotted a black man. he shouted mummy did that man stay in a tunnel to long? he's black mummy look! well I could have died. the guy wet himself laughing.

"No, he's not made of chocolate. He sure does look yummy, though. :3"

When I was 2 I went to South Africa with my parents and referred to all people of colour as chocolate people, including my granddads maid....

my great uncle did that as long as the man realized it wasn't meant to be racist just a 4 year old being a 4 year old you'll be fine

people take this stuff way too seriously. out of the mouth of babes. I'm sure he wasn't mad and understood. it probably even gave him a chuckle.

I read this wrong at first and thought it was the man thinking your kid was made out of chocolate... But your young kid thinking someone is made out of chocolate makes slightly more sense.

writergirl1029 17

He's four, that's normal for him to notice that some people look different from himself and it was a cute way to express it. I have two four year old nephews and they're starting to do the same thing.

This FML is great! I would have a good laugh about it.

I used to call my grandpa chocolate when i was little lol