By NoNaMe - 04/06/2009 08:07 - Australia

Today, while walking down the street, a homeless man walked up to me. He opened his mouth to say something and I immediately said that I didn't have any spare change because I was late for work. He then said "I was gonna ask you for the time, dickwad". Apparently he wasn't homeless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 641
You deserved it 75 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** that guys life... jeez, that must've been awkward

urlifeisraped 0


My Uncle is a bushworker... he has long unkept hair and his clothes are always a bit dirty from his high paying job. One day a lady came up to him on the street and gave him $5 because he looked like a bum. He just shrugged and said thanks.

lol one of my friends went to a costume party and was asked by the police because he looked homeless and they thought he was just trying to eat the food and drink at the party

Ariel09 0

This isn't even an FML, just you being a judgemental tool

Weird. I was moderating FMLs and I saw one it wasthis exact same one but from the dude that called you a dickwad. That one will probably be posted too.

snoopy91011 0

Wow. That's profiling right there.

haha thats sucks but who cares youle never see him again

You, sir, are a dick. Stop judging people. Also, to everyone on here who has stereotyped homeless people, you're dicks, too.