By NoNaMe - 04/06/2009 08:07 - Australia

Today, while walking down the street, a homeless man walked up to me. He opened his mouth to say something and I immediately said that I didn't have any spare change because I was late for work. He then said "I was gonna ask you for the time, dickwad". Apparently he wasn't homeless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 641
You deserved it 75 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** that guys life... jeez, that must've been awkward

urlifeisraped 0


Its not your fault, that could happen to anyone. **** everyone here thats calling him a douche

Uber_G33k 0

SOMEBODY is quick to judge!

Wow, the logic that some people have, or do not have. That was a rude thing to say without him even saying anything. What if he was going to say good afternoon or something of the like. Or what if you had dropped food on your shirt and he wanted to tell you in case you wanted to make a good impression on people. The hypothetical situations could be endless, so really do not be so quick to assume things. People on here make me laugh and sick at the same time. I sometimes laugh at people's stupidity, but feel sad that they are that stupid in the first place. You all need to start consciously thinking and not believe everything you hear. I could use a rebuttal on almost everyone that spoke in here. YDI for being a moron who thinks that he could ask only one thing.

You definitely deserved it. And apparently running late for work = you instantly lose any spare change. Wut?

Does!? Don't judge a book by it's cover ring any bells!!!?

Embarassment 0

Wow... big mistake. More of an FHL for being mistaken as a homeless guy.