By Anon - 08/04/2013 22:04 - United States - Bowling Green

Today, while walking to my car after work, I witnessed some moron who was texting while riding her bike running right into my parked car, resulting in a broken side mirror, a damaged windshield, two dents, and for her, a broken phone and nose. She's threatening to sue me for damages. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 009
You deserved it 2 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm pretty sure her brain damages were there from before.

No problem. If she wants to sue you, then that means you can get her personal information and sue her for the damages she caused to your car.


Ha, let the idiot try. She wouldn't get anything from it. You were not in your car nor was she paying attention. Her fault.

let her take you to court. when they see she is retarded you can counter Sue and make the idiot pay for you car