By mnavy - 28/09/2009 16:24 - United States

Today, while wearing my Navy Dress White Uniform, I decided to stop and help this attractive girl who was not feeling well. Without warning, she blew chunks all over my "Whites". I have a uniform inspection later this afternoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 583
You deserved it 5 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My guess is you won't pass inspection. I'm subbing for Capt. Obvious on the Psychic Hotline today.

birds_fml 7

Man... I hope you've got a Tide stain pen LOL!


Who cares about your uniform inspection, baby-killer? Go back to Iraq and kill more innocent women and children already.

hey douchebag! not everyone in the military kills people. and very rarely do people in combat kill. so please take your head out your arse and stfu

not everyone in the military is in a combat job and those are the only ones that actually have to the opportunity to neutralize an enemy. so please take your troll comments to a fml spinoff site

Thank you, someone had to say it! I mean, ******* seriously, OP, we all KNOW what you do! It's not like there's anything else you do in the military besides shooting and dropping bombs in Iraq!

Franc28 ur joking right? and actually any smart sailor, or military member cares about uniform inspections, their important and show that we're responsible and can maintain a professional appearance. but on a side note, since i fix f/a-18s and im in atsugi japan, i should stop and goto iraq and kill innocent woment/children cuz u say so? even though 99.9% of people wouldnt even rationalize killing a innocent person?

hatcher 0

Don't worry bruno. the babykiller line has been tired since the end of vietnam. She's not real. Thinking liberals have been trying to squish that kind of sloppy thought for a while. I worked for the Navy briefly in a civilian post, holy crap the lines of women in the bathroom with stain-stick pens was hilarious. Nobody eats spaghetti with more care than someone in his whites.

Franc and DameGreyWolf, how dare you? If this is the way you feel about your American soldiers, you can get out of this country. If it weren't for these soldiers, we wouldn't be here today. My dad served in the Navy for about 20 years and if I heard someone say something like this to him, I'd kick their ass. He risked his life for you, others actually died for you. Asshole.

Did the OP say he was in the US navy? Just because his post originated from somewhere in the US doesn't mean he's part of the US forces. The whole point of a navy is that it can move around, you know? Americans have this amusing tendency to assume everyone else is also American. A *lot* of people don't have much respect for the US' invasion of other countries on the back of poorly executed lies about weapons of mass destruction. Unfortunately, that tends to reflect in their opinions about the armed forces staff who are "just obeying orders".

bogwandis 0

EasilyUnamused, I agree with you! I'm a young Navy wife and I find it awful that people continue to be uninformed about what the military really does. They go off of what they hear and see and refuse to actually research things before they open their mouth. Franc28 and DameGreyWolf, it's fine if you two are against the war. You are entitled to your own opinion, but you can kindly go to hell for your assumptions about the military. :) Being against war is one thing...making a general assumption about every person in the military is ridiculous and unintelligent.

Obviously you fools don't know a thing about sarcasm. I was being sarcastic in response to the same idiot you are responding to.

Yeahhh... it's obvious some people here lack the art of understanding sarcasm. I mean, it wasn't even slightly subtle. :/

tragicalmirth18 0

Sarcasm is not as easily read as it is heard in verbal tone. In re-reading your post, I can see how it's sarcastic but it definitely did not come across that way the first time! I'm a Marine fiance, and I also am sickened by the blatant hatred and mudslinging aimed at military personnel by those uninformed people on the internet. Bogwandis, you sound like my cousin's wife. :) Thanks for your post.

buzzy, what do u mean, the topic op? hes obviously in the navy, since he stated navy dress white uniform, and was speaking about inspections, and ur topic clashes, saying hes not in the navy, and just cuz hes in the us doesnt make him military, but then u say the navy puts us all over, um, if the navy moved him, and hes wearing a dress white uniform, id be willing to bet hes sailor

@Bruno. Yes, he's in the navy, I'm not disagreeing with that. Does that mean he's necessarily in the US navy? No. Other countries also have navies, and they often visit other countries during a tour, so it's entirely possible the OP is in a non-US navy and happens to have posted from somewhere that FML identified New Jersey. I'm poking fun at EasilyUnamused, who seems to assume that everyone on the Internet is American: "If this is the way you feel about your American soldiers, you can get out of this country." - nowhere does the OP say he's American, nor does Franc28. They could just as well both be European for example.

psycho_jugalette 0

us navy is only navy I know of with dress whites. and it's nice to know my fiancé died in Iraq protecting the us. so u can have the freedom to talk shit about him. way to honor the dead francis

bogwandis 0

Thanks, Tragicalmirth18! I agree with your post - things get misconstrued all the time on the internet!

jazzmancarron 11

ouch, i feel your pain, i did a ton of funeral honors in my whites, theyre freaking stain magnets. as for the uniform season, ive never had a uniform shift before october. this was dated about a week or so before shifting to winter uniforms. i hope your chief was really understanding. also, im pretty sure hes in the US Navy, bc we're the only ones who would call our navy dress whites as such.

hassenpfeffermmm 0

Y were u close enough to a stranger for her to puke on u? Creep. O and thanks for your service.

psycho_jugalette 0

idiot. no one EVER puts on inspection uniform b4 the last possible min. sucks 4 u. but u kinda deserve it 4 being in ur inspection uniform early. and u always keep 2 inspection ready uniforms (at least of whites or dress). duh. how long have I been in. 2 weeks???

mtaylor96 0

53- you're stupid. just shut your mouth. and thank you for serving.

lreiss 0

Haha u shouldn't be wearing your whites all day. Those go on like RIGHT before inspection. Good job. And not everyone is about to go to blues dumbass. It depends where you're stationed at.

FooooYoLife 6

That sucks coming from a person IN Navy JROTC who wears a uniform every week being you were in your whites makes suck worse