By heyyoitsapotato - 31/05/2013 02:35 - United States

Today, while working as a lifeguard, a kid took a dump in the pool. When I told everyone to clear the pool so we could clean it, another kid promptly stared at me, stood at the shallow end right where I was standing, pulled down his trunks, and peed on my feet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 141
You deserved it 3 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Main reason I do not want to have kids. 4 siblings is enough.


I hope you kicked his ass. Whoever urinates on someone clearly doesn't deserve any respect what so ever.

KareBear7364 5

oh how I miss being a lifeguard at a water park...

Inkedldd 8

Those kids are evil little bastards. Another reason to not have kids.

unixdude 9

We're the paramedics able to save the kid after you beat him bloody? Too bad - I'm sure he would have made such a promising member of society.

I don't understand what kids think at times...

petergozinya37 8

I would've kicked the kid.

lifeguarding made me hate kids. At least I did it in a lake, (a very murky dirty one at that), so if a kid took a dump I didn't even know about it. Most of them have no respect for authority, and made me wish my position allowed me to slap them, and keep my job.

Llamacod 11

why was the lifeguard kid pooping in the pool? who hired him?