By aragmir - 18/12/2016 06:10 - Sweden - Stockholm

Today, while working at a nursing home, I was alone in the station and figured I could sneak one out. It wound up being very loud, and I could hear the faint snickering of a patient in the next room. Every time he saw me for the rest of the day he would burst out laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 703
You deserved it 2 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sarah K. Oller 2

they're not patients in a nursing home, they're residents

"Today, I realized I'm so deprived of human interaction and quality comedy that simply seeing somebody whom I earlier witnessed farting is enough to send me into uncontrollable laughter. Please help. FML"


The old man probably lets a little one go every time he giggles.

Thought u was talking about jerking off.

Wauw, work on your choice of words, way too many people thought you rubbed one out ?

I thought you meant sneak a person out and I was very confused.

And here I was trying to word it nicely, lol! I know "rub one out" is slang for fap but never figured "sneak one out" would be so gravely misinterpreted. Oh well, joke's on me once more I guess xD He doesn't snicker anymore tho so it's cool now.

Sarah K. Oller 2

they're not patients in a nursing home, they're residents