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By mortified - 30/10/2010 04:12 - Canada

Today, at work, I was caught picking my nose, on camera, in an elevator. The security guard stopped me on my way out of the building to tell me how funny it was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 608
You deserved it 30 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oooh, you two...i think its time for a blonde fight! round 1: what's 2+2 lol jk

....... wow. unhygienic? that's what you think about when you read this? get a life.


pick your nose in private love and look for camras

ewww..and when were you planning to wash your hands that's unhygienic & gross

....... wow. unhygienic? that's what you think about when you read this? get a life.

Oooh, you two...i think its time for a blonde fight! round 1: what's 2+2 lol jk

RawDawgie 0

#28 that was ****** great! lol!!

ha so damn true. im surprised she used that big word unhygienic

Hey, not all blondes are dumb! I am a blonde and I am a straight A student with a 4.6 GPA!

Well done for providing the day's entertainment :) I'm sure it will have blown over by tomorrow. It's not that big a deal.

Everytine you walk back in that place they are going to remember what you did

If he was hot, then this is a easy in for you. Congrats.

pretty embarassing but.. everyone picks their nose. big whop!

ducks4life11 0

didnt your mother ever teach u not to pick your nose. Picking your nose is for 5 yr olds. Its disgusting and disgraceful. Apparently u have no manners.

Yeah? and what do you do when you have a giant ass crusty booger dangling in your nose tickling so bad, and making you sneeze nonstop? You just wait till it falls out? which is unlikely to happen. or do you wait till you have access to Kleenex? which could be hours. Yeah right, step off your horse Mr. High and mighty, everyone picks their nose, saying otherwise doesn't make you cool on the Internet.

mbg873 0

how do u clean your nose? u wait till ur boogers melt? lol