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By Anonymous - 25/11/2010 05:24 - United States

Today, whilst driving to the store, an idiot driver found it to be okay to drive ridiculously fast in below freezing temperatures on the ice and snow. As he passed my car, I angrily gave him the finger. And then I realized I was wearing mittens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 404
You deserved it 28 723

justgracexD tells us more.

Didn't have an account when I first posted this fml. But I wanted to clarify a few things. 1. I was wearing mittens because it was below freezing and my car was still cold. 2. Washington doesn't believe in salting the roads or doing anything to ease winter driving mainly because we rarely ever get snow. People here also freak out whenever some crack like substance falls from the sky and driving in poor weather conditions becomes a problem. 3. Said idiot driver was previously tailing my car before he passed me and the cars in front of me. 4. I actually didn't think this would become an approved post. I just copied and pasted my facebook status. xD I'm glad that some of you found this amusing though.

Top comments

Hmmm. She seems to be trying to show me one of her four fingers in that mitten. which could it be? judging by her angry face....


More of an Epic Fail than a FML but either way its funny lol

LDP2 0

This is one funny FML. Made me LOL!

haha mittens, should have gone with gloves...

folfg7 0

op... are you a blonde? you have to be!

Finally. something posted here that made me laugh.

vballerlover07 0

It's cold in Canada! -30. CELSIUS BITCH.

82, because when you get into a cold car, the steering wheel is ice cold

brightnite 0

I'm pretty sure he still wouldn't have given a shit

I don't see why his speed is your problem. you're not a cop and he didn't crash into you or cut you off or anything so mind your own business. I hate "concerned citizens" like you. he probably had a nice 4wd car with proper winter tires, maybe even studded and you were probably a bit jealous ;)

Hmmm. She seems to be trying to show me one of her four fingers in that mitten. which could it be? judging by her angry face....

awks 0

Scott pilgrim cake= FTWW (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)

Draminicaus 0

"Ugh! That bitch just gave me the mitten finger! I'll show her by speeding up and leaving her in my wake! muhaha.... <Screee!! CRASH!!>" Good job OP....You've just caused an accident because you distracted the stupid driver. ^_^

lmfao_shame 9

we have them in the US but it's more popular with girls and the more middle class ones at that. were I live half the girls are stuck up bitches who think they're rich and can't buy anything but designer clothes.

MizzErikaHart 8

my son has mittens, and he calls them minutes, it's so cute.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

well in Canada there's tons of ppl who wear those Olympics mitten things including guys I don't have them but still... and who knows maybe they were a girl?

it's called showing pride for the beat country ever!! welcome to health care u stupid americans

KarinaLizeth18 5

What are you talking about? Mittens are the best! Haha!

TropicalTulipz 0

agreed! but i still like my white gloves :)

Oh hey #9 I love headless ***** with big fake boobs! No wonder your single.

KittenLuvs1212 0

this is off topic but I just gotta say, honey, you have great boobs but that bikini is just too small for them. go to the store.

darkblonde 0

Aaaw, that's really cute! :D I love mittens.