By parentalissues - 15/02/2013 15:50 - United States

Today, whilst on a phone interview with a college I really want to go to, my mother picks up the other line and shouts into the phone "She's not going to college, she's lazy and she'll only disappoint you." The interviewer hung up before I could say anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 344
You deserved it 2 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's tough. Time to move out. Or push mama down the stairs.

It's too bad we all have cordless phones now, you could've used the cord to strangle her.


Jeez, what a bitch! Use your cell phone next time =(

Maybe she is being a good parent. Here in Canada we let almost everyone in to college and alot of the recent graduates are appalling.

No "parenting" that sets up your kids to fail before they've even had a chance to try for themselves is "good" parenting, by any stretch of the imagination. Sounds to me like the mom is just trying to keep her daughter from succeeding so that she will stay close to home and keep her company forever instead of having her own life.

10showgirl 16
SmokeyPlague 12

get a cell phone no one can interrupt and its mobile

SomeDeadRabbits 8

I'm sure thats a good enough reason to punch her in the face and receive no disaplinary actions.

Quiet_one 22

Definitely call the school and try to explain the situation. Just be very apologetic and explain that your mother (or little sister, if you're too embarrassed to admit your mom has a mental age of 15) got on the line and interrupted your interview. If you're trying to fix it, they'll already be able to tell you're not lazy. Just make sure you do it from a different phone, or when your mom isn't home.

mom shows a lot of support for her child, doesn't she?