By parentalissues - 15/02/2013 15:50 - United States

Today, whilst on a phone interview with a college I really want to go to, my mother picks up the other line and shouts into the phone "She's not going to college, she's lazy and she'll only disappoint you." The interviewer hung up before I could say anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 344
You deserved it 2 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's tough. Time to move out. Or push mama down the stairs.

It's too bad we all have cordless phones now, you could've used the cord to strangle her.


I just can't believe anyone in their right mind would do something like that. That's really stupid, and even more so coming from a mother.

erck3800 12

remember this when its time to pick her nursing home

gremlin_bros 19

I'd end up in jail for aggravated assault at the minimum.

That's her plan. She don't want her to leave, so she'll keep her in the house forEVER

Use a cellphone next time, or borrow a friend's phone if you don't have one.

that means she's not paying your college

Sounds like this was a deliberate attempt to keep you from achieving your dreams. It could be she doesn't want you to achieve more than she has. I say don't let her or anyone else stand in the way of your dreams!