By sucked_in - 23/07/2015 02:32 - Australia - Perth

Today, whilst vacuuming, I stupidly decided to vacuum the bathroom drain to see what would happen. Turns out it will cause stinking septic water to get sucked into the machine and spew all over the walls, ceiling and vanity. It also causes the vacuum cleaner to stop working. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 748
You deserved it 37 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what the **** did you expect? a leprechaun to come out with his gold?


I know the drain is in the bathroom, but is it in the floor or in the shower? That is what I'm trying to understand here

Yeah that sounds about right. Thank you for confirming.

You should operate the vacuum-cleaner only under adult supervision

Ok, this is going to the list of "DDIY, the experiment already has been done"

I would normally YDI, but the mental image of vacuum-flung shit flying everywhere is funny enough that I'll grace you with an FYL.

ajs1987 15

I have to ask, what did you think was going to happen?