By lonely - 24/10/2011 14:55 - United States

Today, without telling me, my mom dropped me off at my grandmother's house, and drove off. Now I'm supposed to spend the next month with her. Guess she forgot my grandma died six weeks ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 844
You deserved it 3 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

austin0023 0
Classlfied 4

So you have the house to yourself for a month?


Sometimes people make themselves forget those painful memories. Not saying that's a case or anything. But sorry for your loss!

Lilith11 3

How could you not have known where she was driving you? but sorry for your loss.

You get to do whatever for a month!!!!!

jbird999 4

Wow. Is any one really prepared to believe that this actually happened?

slappinGoodtimes 0

Grandpa is still alive and lonely. He needs some company. Have grandpa buy you some clothes since you didn't pack.

Ill probably get banned but this is pretty much the stupidest and most implausible FML I've ever read.