By lonely - 24/10/2011 14:55 - United States

Today, without telling me, my mom dropped me off at my grandmother's house, and drove off. Now I'm supposed to spend the next month with her. Guess she forgot my grandma died six weeks ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 844
You deserved it 3 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

austin0023 0
Classlfied 4

So you have the house to yourself for a month?


Without telling you? Why did you even get out of the car? Didn't you question her when she pulled up in front of the house before she drove off? Totally doesn't make sense.

this is bad how? dude I would be living it up and doing whatever the hell I wanted

someblackguy 3

ok sucks about your grandma, but have fun and take advantage of the moment, and have as much fun as possible

sparxva 12

Report her to the state Health and Human Services for abandonment and request a psych eval. Then sign as her next of kin and discuss the commitment process in front of her.

atomicmrpelly 2

Finally a REAL FML, that's hardcore dude!!!

yailinandre 0

God your mon is horrible but at least you can party for the entire month

cmabmb112210 0

Get hooked up with some foodstamps lol