Too late

By fuzzle003 - 13/06/2012 12:47 - Australia - Canberra

Today, I finally bought the expensive but beautifully stylish dress I've been eyeing for ages online. Ten minutes later, I went back to check the shoes the model was wearing so I could coordinate my outfit. The dress had been reduced to half price. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 681
You deserved it 4 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments


MrRager7 1

Return it then 5 hours later buy it again!

Mademoiselle_fml 34

This just happened to me with a different item. :/ fyl

I fing hate it when that happens. FUL sorrry OP that really sucks

TheIchiban 11

This isn't that bad. This happens all the time. It's a dress, big deal. But yeah it does suck when it's something you want really bad. There are more important things to worry about OP.

mz_luna 2

Return Return Return Return! Reorder from a friends account!!!! ASAP

fdeg4161 13

I HATE when that happens!! Sorry to hear that, op.

First world problems are worst kind of problems.