Too late

By fuzzle003 - 13/06/2012 12:47 - Australia - Canberra

Today, I finally bought the expensive but beautifully stylish dress I've been eyeing for ages online. Ten minutes later, I went back to check the shoes the model was wearing so I could coordinate my outfit. The dress had been reduced to half price. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 681
You deserved it 4 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Email the company, a lot of stores will give you the discount if it went on sale within so little time of your purchase.

marisadc79 0

Call lots of times they'll refund you and give you the sale price if you did it that close to the sale

If you have your receipt you can see about a price change

Call website and they can reimburse you the difference

ImSoEffedUp 10

If you've been eyeing it for a long time, that just means its OLD eventually it's gonna be on sale....duh...

j3ebrules 13

I agree with the commenter who said return it and then buy it back half price

BeautyMonster 17

If it's still available online, order another & send this one back , BUT, I have already called Customer Service & explained the situation , if they cannot help you, ask to speak to a Manager , retail the story ( u can add a little white lie here & there - FOR EX. YOU HEARD YOUR B/F WAS GOING TO PROPOSE & YOU WANTED TO WRAR THIS DRESS ETC & HOW LONG YOU HAD TO SAVE FOR IT BECAUSE YOU ARE ONLY WORKING PART TIME NOW) IF she isn't receptive, tell her you have all your friends & neighbors & colleagues shop at same store & you are going to tell them NOT TO SHOP THERE ANYMORE DUE TO THE UNSATISFACTORY EXPERIENCE, **** This has usually worked for me 99.9% of the time. They would refund the difference &/or give you a coupon code for free S & H on your next order. You just have to be super nice & don't lose your temper. Good Luck!

aricababyy 22
Igor_g5 0

So you return it and buy it again at the lower price.