Too late

By fuzzle003 - 13/06/2012 12:47 - Australia - Canberra

Today, I finally bought the expensive but beautifully stylish dress I've been eyeing for ages online. Ten minutes later, I went back to check the shoes the model was wearing so I could coordinate my outfit. The dress had been reduced to half price. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 681
You deserved it 4 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments


amiritelol 3

I THINK people are trying to tell you to cancel then re-order... What about if you can't cancel the order, ?

day624 14
amiritelol 3

I THINK people are trying to tell you to cancel then re-order... What about if you can't cancel the order, ?

moments like this make me wish i had a time machine.. X_x"

They have to give it to you at reduced price or call and cancel the order and reorder it

Well, if you've only ordered it, cancel your order, and re-order it. Yes theres probably a cancelation but I doubt it costs half of the full price, but if you've already gotten it, then sorry OP.

I work in retail, and normally places have some sort of price adjustment guarantee. If the store associates can't do much, don't get upset, speak with a manager, usually they will help you to save customers. Sales associates don't have much power to do a lot.

ScrewedUpMess 15

Ouch, that bites. That type of thing happens to me, but usually after I receive it! Being as you've JUST ordered it, do what everyone else is suggesting - cancel and reorder!! Only if you CAN, of course... x