Too late

By fuzzle003 - 13/06/2012 12:47 - Australia - Canberra

Today, I finally bought the expensive but beautifully stylish dress I've been eyeing for ages online. Ten minutes later, I went back to check the shoes the model was wearing so I could coordinate my outfit. The dress had been reduced to half price. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 681
You deserved it 4 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Buy the cheaper dress and return the dress you bought first

It didn't happen online. What would make you think it did.

You know that in most places, you could ask for a price adjustment if they reduce the price within a specific amount of days (usually something like 14 days) after your purchase, right?

I'd call their customer service number to see if they will give you the sales price!

#42, do you not understand anything. You get refunded the price you PAID with a reciept. They don't get to keep the difference because they just lowered the price.

conholio33 28

Hope you asked for the diffrence in price refunded to you

hurry! cancel the or- its probably been 6 years huh

Cancel the order ASAP, and get full refund. You'd only get the the current value of the dress if gig waited till it shipped, and arrived. Just cancel, and reorder. Boom. Problem solved.

jlc82 8

cancel your order then go back and buy it at the reduced price