Touch grass

By Dr_JF - 15/12/2008 07:11 - France

Today, I told myself, "Come on you geek, go outside, get some sun, get your ass away from in front of your computer, go for a walk." I finally mustered the courage to leave my house. Without my keys. I've now been in an internet café for four hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 468
You deserved it 9 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You wanted to go outside and try this "sun" thing... I dunno dude, that sh*t makes me sneeze and burns my skin. I'd much rather stay inside with the soft glow emanating from WoW's login screen with my boyfriend as we relax together. =3

lol havent been out there in a while... WoW's outside scenery is much better imo


You wanted to go outside and try this "sun" thing... I dunno dude, that sh*t makes me sneeze and burns my skin. I'd much rather stay inside with the soft glow emanating from WoW's login screen with my boyfriend as we relax together. =3

The Lich King has no need for sun!! Niethet do the rest of us..

yohooooooo 5

15 Lich King may not not but Deathwing does!

#32. You are one of those people aren't you... You know the ones that take things way to seriously

arienh4 0

I no it's horrible D: ( Im addicted too D;)

lol havent been out there in a while... WoW's outside scenery is much better imo

NoNameAtAll_fml 1

You must have no life or friends if you are afraod of going outside

ThatSucksAlotYDI 0

You must be dumb if you cant spell 'afraid'.

It's called a typo, asshole. By the way, it's 'can't,' not 'cant'. And you're a hypocrite.

Well you can make friends if you play online role playing games. I mean half my friends I met on final fantasy 14 arr

lonleygirl1928 0

wow ur so like me im addicted and my mom thinks so too i think all computer addicts should start a club

Fml is ****** up it isn't shuffling... Fml