Touch grass

By Dr_JF - 15/12/2008 07:11 - France

Today, I told myself, "Come on you geek, go outside, get some sun, get your ass away from in front of your computer, go for a walk." I finally mustered the courage to leave my house. Without my keys. I've now been in an internet café for four hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 468
You deserved it 9 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You wanted to go outside and try this "sun" thing... I dunno dude, that sh*t makes me sneeze and burns my skin. I'd much rather stay inside with the soft glow emanating from WoW's login screen with my boyfriend as we relax together. =3

lol havent been out there in a while... WoW's outside scenery is much better imo


redlugia 0

you went out to go to an internet cafe?

good job now go for a jog and exercise now that ur outside

He probably didn't intend to go to an internet cafe you dumbass.

Wow, FYL. I'm also a computer addict, and I have been for years. I've been getting better over a few months, but the problem still persists. Sorry OP.

if you didn't have your keys, then you couldn't have possibly locked yourself out, right? I don't understand...

In the doorknob there is a way to lock the door without using keys. (from the inside) maybe he did that.

dmmcintyre3 8

My doorknobs don't even have to be unlocked to open the door.

kesulli27 6

Some doors can be set to automatically lock from the outside. That's how my front door is.

You realized you didn't have your keys, so you walked to an internet cafe? I don't understand how you couldn't have just, oh, I don't know, WALKED TO SOME PLACE THAT DOES NOT INVOLVE COMPUTERS.

Haha, at least you tried... Am I right?>.

Don't worry your not missing much. The graphics are sub-par. Plus the story line sucks.