Toxic much?

By tlm84 - 28/07/2014 02:54 - United States - Fitchburg

Today, while out shopping, I could hear what sounded like two grown men talking about me, and they were being pretty gross. I turned around to scold them and it turned out being a dad and his 13-year-old son. He said he was, "teaching a son to be a man", and that my ass was "grounds for discussion." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 639
You deserved it 5 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell the father that isn't how "men" act. He's little more than a juvenile mentally. Respect women, and they will respect you. Same for men.

Hopefully the son saw how you reacted and learned the true lesson


TheForgetfulOne 12

I would hope at that age and after the scolding the boy would already know right from wrong. We really don't need more "men" acting like that.

Should've scolded him and gave a lesson to the father showing he's wrong... But hey, at least your ass is worthy of being used for education... I think that's good.

I always tell my boyfriend that we're together because the first thing he said to me said "hi" instead of a lewd sexual comment.

The first thing I said to my girlfriend was, are you a lesbian?

The first thing I said to my ex-wife was 'I hear you like to party'. Looking back, maybe it wasn't the best idea to marry a party girl.

cdawg69 10

If you were wearing spandex yoga pants or booty shorts.... well dat ass is a bit more noticeable

It doesn't matter what she was wearing or what was noticeable. No one should be harassed or objectified while shopping (or doing anything else).

Spandex is the best invention known to mankind

spotting a good ass is no excuse to act like an ass...

At least it wasn't something like "being a man means laughing at ugly people"

I still would have chewed his ass First for being a pig, and secondly for teaching his child to be a pig.

blazerman_fml 17

You should have told him to discuss about his wife's ass if that was the case.Not ogle at a random strangers like a creep.Although its normal we have needs.I wouldn't be comfortable talking to my 13 year son about another woman's ass lol

anon132 5

Oh ya that's a good idea. To talk with your son about his mothers ass. That won't scare him for life or anything.

blazerman_fml 17

Umm sarcasm.It's quite flithy to talk to your 13 son about another woman's ass.If I was the woman I would have fired the shit out of the guy and told him to look at his wife's ass instead of mine.

At least they find you good-looking. Upside. Positive.

I honestly wouldn't give two ***** if some random creepy guy and his son though I was good looking and I doubt OP does either

anon132 5

Your complaining about being hot??

deathfyre8 13

She's complaining that the dad was teaching his kids that women are just objects to **** and not actual human beings.

And you know, people harassing her in public