Toxic much?

By tlm84 - 28/07/2014 02:54 - United States - Fitchburg

Today, while out shopping, I could hear what sounded like two grown men talking about me, and they were being pretty gross. I turned around to scold them and it turned out being a dad and his 13-year-old son. He said he was, "teaching a son to be a man", and that my ass was "grounds for discussion." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 639
You deserved it 5 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell the father that isn't how "men" act. He's little more than a juvenile mentally. Respect women, and they will respect you. Same for men.

Hopefully the son saw how you reacted and learned the true lesson


Downside, the father is teaching his son not to be a 'man' but a judgemental, moronic, Neanderthal-esque asshole. Upside, apparently you have have a great arse worthy of in depth discussion. On the whole, FYL and I fear for the next generation.

WickedFan 12

"Yes Officer, I admit to murdering a man and his son with a pocket knife I kept in my purse. In my defense, they shouldn't have been such misogynistic assholes."

Hunterdagreat 7

he should be teaching his son how to a gentlemen not a jerk.