Toxic much?

By tlm84 - 28/07/2014 02:54 - United States - Fitchburg

Today, while out shopping, I could hear what sounded like two grown men talking about me, and they were being pretty gross. I turned around to scold them and it turned out being a dad and his 13-year-old son. He said he was, "teaching a son to be a man", and that my ass was "grounds for discussion." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 639
You deserved it 5 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell the father that isn't how "men" act. He's little more than a juvenile mentally. Respect women, and they will respect you. Same for men.

Hopefully the son saw how you reacted and learned the true lesson


"Teaching him to be a man" who gets lots of black eyes.

You should have taught the dad a lesson about respect...

sorahearts_fml 10

And so the endless cycle of pigs continue. >.>

He's not teaching his son to be a man, he's teaching him to be a creep.

deathfyre8 13

I'd rather go up to a girl and tell her she's beautiful than talk about her "assets" behind her back *Pun not intended*. Sometimes it feels like I'm the last guy who doesn't treat women like objects for personal use. I know that's not true, but it sometimes feels like it is. I hope that kid grows up to be a real man.

Username735 11

He should teach his son to keep his hormones under control until he gets home at least.

Can't they do it quietly? Usually they should say it so that you can't hear it

milk_cookies83 5

You must have a very noteworthy ass OP. Seriously, you should have shown the son what happens to 'men' like his father.

A real man is a feminist. That guy is just a pig.

While you should treat women with respect and Southern Hospitality I don't think men should be feminists. Women have every bit of rights men do. Most feminists today have the idea that women are better not equal and instead of equal opportunity should have things handed to them.

I see a lot of women these days wearing shorts with pockets longer than the shorts and get pissed when their ass is noticed. smh

There is a difference between getting it noticed and being followed with lewd unwanted comments.

usually dressing like a lady avoids lewd comments.