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Today, I forgot my phone in a restaurant bathroom because I was too distracted trying to steal three rolls of toilet paper without anyone noticing. After sinking that low because I was too broke to buy my own toilet roll, I'm now also in the market for a new phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 678
You deserved it 7 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can tie a long string between two of the toilet paper roll cores and, voilà, you have a phone!

You can afford to eat out but don't have money for toilet paper? Interesting priorities...


Go back to the restaurant and try to exchange your phone back with 3 toilet rolls:)

You can tie a long string between two of the toilet paper roll cores and, voilà, you have a phone!

wow I had to do the same once at the gym because I was broke too. I had to jump straight in the shower after going to the toilet before then.

You mean, you are in market to steal a phone now. ?

Get a bidet. You will never have to use toilet paper ever again. Problem solved.

Except bidets cost money too, probably way more than OP has.

Fair point. In that case get a hand bidet. Those cost far less and work well for years. Most of them even come with warranty.

You can afford to eat out but don't have money for toilet paper? Interesting priorities...

He could of just walked into a restaurant bathroom just to steal toilet paper. Not that your theory is impossible.

lukcy_basartd 11

She coulda just walked in the restaurant to boost toilet paper.

lukcy_basartd 11

She coulda just walked in the restaurant to boost toilet paper.

GofuckY0urSe1f 2

or someone one else took him out to eat and thats another theory

GIJoefan 6

So you're the one who took the toilet paper from the mall the other day.

All the people who voted "You Deserve It," have no idea what's it's like to be broke as ****.

CSpencer2015 1

Can't afford toilet paper but can afford a smart phone... seems legit.

If you're that broke go back to mom and dad's house. (If anything, just to steal toilet paper)