Tunnel vision

By what. - 04/05/2020 17:00

Today, my boyfriend said that no, I'm not allowed to get glasses and then accused me of wanting to see other men. No, I just want to see. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 994
You deserved it 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Suaria 38

He sounds controlling. If I ever had a partner who told me i couldn't wear my glasses I would probably break up with them. Someone who is controlling and won't let you see properly isn't someone you would want in your life.

Aiden89 23

The insecurity is strong with that one


"Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses."

Depends if they have that sexy librarian vibe?

Actually, that's just an old quote. I like girls with glasses. I'm a nerd!

Look at the gender icon in the upper left corner of the OP! OP is a gay man.

Don't always trust the gender icon. If the OP doesn't bother to specify, it defaults to male, I think.

It means the crazy jealous bf should be for the OP getting glasses as they are a repellent to predators.

Aiden89 23

The insecurity is strong with that one

I guess he wouldn't mind doing all the chores, then, since you can't see the dirt.

Um, last I checked you are a person and if you are over 18, go get your damned glasses.

Suaria 38

He sounds controlling. If I ever had a partner who told me i couldn't wear my glasses I would probably break up with them. Someone who is controlling and won't let you see properly isn't someone you would want in your life.

I think contacts is a fair compromise?

Vesi 29

Absolutely NOT! No-one should have to compromise their health for someone else. Some people cannot wear contacts and she should not have to make herself uncomfortable because he's so insecure (or cheating, himself).

This sounds like domestic abuse. He's trying to control OP and her finances and health and well-being, and if she tries to say anything he becomes accusatory, and may even be gaslighting her, equating her desire for medically necessary corrective lenses with cheating. Get help and get out!

Even a blind person can see your boyfriend is a control freak. Get out while you still can. Domestic abuse, and the fear of it happening, are acceptable reasons to leave during this lockdown.

Yea, I would breakup with him. He’s toxic.

geniusness 6

Apparently the other thing you can't see is all the red flags with this relationship. There's too darn many - I'd start looking for the exit!