TW: gross

By Unimpressed - 03/06/2009 10:40 - Australia

Today, I was taking a taxi home after drinking too much. I started to feel sick and, not wanting to be charged the cab cleaning fee, threw up into my handbag instead. When we got to my place I then had to fish through my bag for my wallet to pay the driver. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 519
You deserved it 58 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xivilia 0

Wow, don't drink.. Try a safe alternative such as.... Smoothies.. Mmmm, everyone loves smoothies.....

bxrv43 0


lifeislife_fml 0
gogreen126 0

I moderated this! Hahaha, yay for me! But YDI

You, ma'am are classy. Maybe you shouldn't drink like an idiot. Idiot.

Haha...not FML, but F the drivers L.... Poor guy got puke covered money!

xocoreyxo03_fml 0

"Today while driving my taxi, I picked up a customer. She puked in her bag as I could smell it, later she decided to pay me with the puke covered dollars she owed me. FML"

Wait, why didn't you just roll down the window and puke out there? Or can you not roll down cab windows... ? It's been awhile...