
By nerd - 16/10/2009 15:08 - Singapore

Today, I was on cloud nine when the beautiful waitress I frequently ordered takeaways from told me she didn't need to take my name as she remembers me from before. When I got my food, I saw the sales slip. On it she had written, "Cheeseburger - Fries - Coke - Nerdy guy with bad haircut." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 423
You deserved it 5 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Change your barber.... then it would be "nerdy guy with great hair"

When I used to work take-out in a restaurant I would remember ppl based on their orders and used to write things "chick who doesn't tip and wears blue lipstick," "the pregnant one," "lady who likes extra bread but always is dieting."


yikes12345 0

Does anyone else think it's funny that this FML is under love? It might just be me and my tiring day, but this made me seriously lol

Yeah I just made an account so I could comment that this was fake & from the Reader's Digest. Thanks #38 for beating me to it :( FML lol

licketyslit 0

make her feel guilty by giving her a big tap- i mean tip

You spoke to the manager & had her reprimanded for her misconduct, right?

Sounds like she remembers everything she needs to know about you.

thesucker1994 0

you're pathetic for being on "cloud 9" for thinking she remembered your name haha!

Am I honestly the only one who thought it was cute he was on cloud 9?

This is from an old-ass Reader's Digest. Fail

CJ090 0