Unwanted guest

By MMM - 21/01/2014 23:26 - United States - Saco

Today, my plans for having sex with my girlfriend were thwarted for the sixth time in a row by my own mother. I found out later that she's been reading my texts so she knew when to drop by and ruin everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 581
You deserved it 11 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is actually quite useful now that you know that OP. Now you can either make your mother go to crazy places, or better yet, have fun having sex in crazy places. Twist the negative side into something you can benefit from!

Sounds like its time to start fooling your mother with spoofed text messages


SuckMeBeautifu1 24

@62 I never said the age of consent is a concept that translated to varying levels of peoples maturity, so dont put words in my mouth. And you perspective is completely subjective. If you were sheltered and werent ready even at 18, thats good for you, but i dont actually care. I started having sex at 15, and I knew all the precautions to take, because i wasnt a retard. Some people ARE ready at 15, and some people, like yourself, remain virgins into adulthood. You should probably stop telling other people how they should share their intimacy, because no matter how much of a prude you are, we're all still going to socialize and hook up, while you sit in your mother's basement drinking tea.

Time for mommy dearest to detach you from her breast.

Start reading her texts, when something big for her is coming up, **** it up! :D

#52 - even IF the parents pay for it, it is still an invasion of privacy. mine is only in my fathers NAME because i wasnt 18 when i first went on a plan, & they needed an over 18 year old to sign the contract. i pay for it, so therefore he would have no right to go through my phone. parents wouldnt enjoy it if their children were going through their things continuously and finding out every little thing, so they shouldnt do it to their child.

Adree 15

Get an app like TextPlus or Kik, or make phone calls instead of texting

tell her that you about to have sex with your girl and she can't stay lol.

The more you talk the more immaturity I see. You did suggest being a certain age makes you ready which is again immature, and just because you were careful at 15 doesn't mean it was wise. So you didn't get pregnant or an STD? That just means you were lucky. Nothing more.