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Waxing and waning

By Anonymous - 24/12/2010 07:15 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor's to get a checkup. When the nurse stuck the Otoscope into my ear to look, she was disgusted. When she pulled it out, she told me that I had an ear infection, and that she'd popped a pimple in there by mistake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 087
You deserved it 5 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...She's a nurse...she shouldn't be 'disgusted' by things like that. I hope you get your infection cleared up, darling!~

memo619 0

haha at least you finally popped that sucker, I hate pimples on the ear


...She's a nurse...she shouldn't be 'disgusted' by things like that. I hope you get your infection cleared up, darling!~

Exactly. This makes you wonder how she'd react to 'other' kinds of disgusting situations.

This is practically the reason why I want to be a nurse, I love disgusting things!

_Damien_ 0

Something you'll never hear, "when she pulled out..."

sugarr0babby0 0

I was just about to eat... :X

Have some banana pudding with whipped cream!

doink 0

It's funny how you assume that all nurses are obligated to like disgusting things. Most nurses can tolerate all sorts of nasty stuff, but there is usually always that one thing that makes us want to gag. We are people, too.

Hayllee 4

I think peoples main problem was that she openly showed her disgust. It's one thing to walk out of the room and gag and talk about it, and it's another to make a patient feel embarrassed and nasty. It's a pimple, she could have held it in. Yeah, ear pimples suck OP.

Oreohugzpenny 4
memo619 0

haha at least you finally popped that sucker, I hate pimples on the ear

memo619 0

hygiene? it's a pimple how the f*ck are you supposed to pop one inside the ear

iLoveMisaCampo 0

the same way the nurse popped it...?

Acousticpixie14 6

You can pop them with a bobby pin. You didn't feel that you had a pimple in your ear? Those ones hurt. If I was going to the doctor to have something specific checked out, I'd make sure that something was clean and presentable before I left the house. That just seems like common sense to me.

and then you have pus in your ear. wheeee! no thanks. i'm happy to dab a little benzoyl peroxide on and let them disappear, rather than pop them and allow all the blood and sebum to fester in my ear.

I hope you get an ear wax removal kit, a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a box of q-tips for Christmas! There's no excuse for nasty ears! Blech! I'd be disgusted, too, nurse or otherwise!!! FYL-YDI!

You're ignorant, and you're embarrassing yourself with your comments.

if you insist on pouring stuff in your ears use olive oil not alcohol

40- I've used hydrogen peroxide for years to clean my ears out, I highly recommend it! Never heard of using olive oil, how's that work?

mercedes3210 6

Probably, since we are all able to see what goes on in our ears.

loserboii 11
mercedes3210 6

You are still not able to see in great detail.

it was not disgust due to ur medical problem, but rather due to ur filth.

Why is everyone assuming that OP doesn't practise personal hygiene?! Ear infections can happen to anyone and the nurse was probably disgusted from the infection and/or pimples, which actually makes her a lousy nurse..

Why does it make her a lousy nurse? That's like saying a child protection officer is lousy for being disgusted by child abuse.